Yaminah Mayo1 Comment

Flowers You Can Smell

Yaminah Mayo1 Comment
Flowers You Can Smell

One thing that’s always emphasized on social media is “receiving flowers while you can still smell them”. I understand that to mean the interpersonal giving of accolades, however, I still think it’s important to bestow them upon oneself. Whether that be gifting yourself to a literal bloom or storing all your accomplishments in a jar to read on a bad day (a resolution I fully intend to commit to in 2021), accolades and love are important things to perform in daily life–especially because, if you’re reading this blog, I know you* have nothing else to do right now. (I am you*.) 

Treating myself to snacks and flowers was my favorite part of my Sunday shopping routine but since I have to be more intentional about when and how I traverse the city, I only have those moments every couple of weeks. I still enjoy walking my flowers home and prepping them for display. It’s the one part of adulthood that feels tangible and reminiscent of my mother’s generation and the other generations of yore outside of paying for health insurance and/or nursing a hangover. There’s just something about bringing flowers into your life and home for an indefinite amount of time that makes me cherish time.