Out of The Ordinary

Deciem's The Ordinary is having a Glossier moment. The "It" girls and guys of the web are finally sharing their secrets to perfect skin aside from Mario Badescu's Rosewater Spray and I'm intrigued. I, personally, find my Heritage rosewater spray in the beauty aisle at health food stores but I digress. Acids, peels, and sheet masks have become the order of the day and The Ordinary knows it! The brand pretty much has a serum, peel, or mask for just about any skin condition outside of psoriasis. Glycolic acid is their specialty maintains an out of stock status. Always a fan and lifelong aspirant of the dewy and supple look, I decided to ditch my "high brow" beauty routine of Aztec bentonite clay mask for a couple of weeks and test out some products from it-brand The Ordinary.

Let me say this, their store of Prince is encapsulating. It is home to all three of Deciem's beauty brands: Hylamide, NIOD, and The Ordinary. I walked in, mesmerized, and headed straight to the back where they keep The Ordinary. I told an employee my #SkincareGoals (skin that Beyoncé would approve of) and she helped me select my regimen. I left the store with a hyaluronic acid, a salicylic acid, a vitamin c derivative and a rosehip oil. I spent $38 in total.

...cut to two weeks later and my skin was freaking out! My forehead started breaking out-which is rare- as well as my cheeks. This reaction could stem from how I applied the products (I mixed all three serums then applied) or it could very well have been my L.A. diet of chicken and waffles coming home to roost. Nevertheless, I took a break because my skin was anything but dewy, supple, or Beyoncé-like and I wanted to heal my blemishes before I went back in to tweak my regimen. I give The Ordinary points for its affordability and how it is educating the masses about skincare...I just wish it worked on my skin. *crying emoji*