Yaminah Mayo1 Comment

Happy Camper!

Yaminah Mayo1 Comment
Happy Camper!


My feet and I have a complicated relationship. I’m short. My feet are big. My shoes are narrow. My feet have suddenly, within the last year, become wide. See: complicated. However, the constant juxtaposition between my body and my feet may have finally met a resolution...in the form of comfort shoes.

Birkenstocks, Crocs, and now Camper have magically become the nucleus that holds my freelance wardrobe together. My style has become so comfort-oriented that I can barely look at any shoe that lacks cushion. I lust mobility and unfortunately, Chanel slingbacks are not the answer for walking 3 New York blocks to and from coffee shops. Luckily, the Golden Girl that resides in my soul has an affinity for comfort despite optics and has ever since she convinced me to buy Birkenstocks 6 years ago for comfort at a summer job my mom forced me to get.

Enter: Camper. I used to sell these shoes when I worked at an independent shoe store in Boston. Customers would regularly walk out with a pair but they never tickled my fancy. The shoes radiated “judgmental vegan auntie” and I refused to subject myself to that kind of torture. Nevertheless, Romain Kremer took the helm of the brand’s creative direction in 2014 and I have wanted to get my hands on at least three pairs of shoes every season. The designs exhibit a sleek functionality that makes life’s mundanities pleasant. Groceries, bodega runs, subway rides, and the ever-unfortunate New York City blocks have all become welcome instances of inconvenience in this footwear. I hate to wax on poetically about these shoes but I guess you can say I’m a happy Camper.

Shirt: Urban Outfitters / Shoes: Camper / Jeans: Vintage Levi’s