Yaminah MayoComment


Yaminah MayoComment

The other day, I posted this photo on Instagram...


I wasn't feeling my best but I really liked the picture and the shadows created by the morning light. I was on my way to work and needed something to cheer me up because the day ahead of me was loooong. Little did I know, less than a week later, this picture would actually come to mean more to me because it perfectly captured the emotions I felt.


This week has been both amazing and devastating for the exact same reason. My employment status at an abusive and toxic job dangles by a thread but I feel happy and light and ready to enter survival mode. My experience this week has encouraged and empowered me to use my voice to advocate for myself when things get scary or uncomfortable. I realized that I don't have to take anyone's shit (especially a man's) for the sake of a check. My last statement might expose me as the millennial I am but if there's one thing I am aware of millennials don't like to act in vain, we seek purpose- and with this new journey or sector in life, I am seeking exactly that. 


I originally named this photo "Aurora" because I loved the shadows of the dawn but I now realize this photo represents a new beginning, another chance to "get life right", and my desire to break through and find myself on the other side of the night.
