Yaminah Mayo2 Comments

Soul Glow: Turmeric Mask

Yaminah Mayo2 Comments
Soul Glow: Turmeric Mask

Okay. So you guys know the only thing I love more than shopping is a good face mask. On Sundays, especially, I love to meal prep while getting my life and skin together. If you follow me on Instagram (@spicy.mayo) you see that I've been playing around with different methods of applying masks: sheet vs. clay vs. peel.

I've been through the valley of face masks, back, and I think it's safe to say that clays are my jam. I simply feel as though they penetrate deeper into my skin and leave me with noticeable results in the morning. My favorite thus far is Indian Healing Clay. I've written about it before and have gotten great feedback from you all! The great thing about it is the base remains the same but the ingredients can change on a whim (unlike peels and sheet masks). This week, I've added the holy grail of glow and anti-inflammatory agents: turmeric! What makes these golden particles? EVERYTHING. Turmeric has been shown to reduce acne and acne scarring, reduce internal inflammation, and......heal scabies. Your fave could never

Okay. Now I know you came for the details and to be honest: I eyeballed it

If I had to give you an actual recipe, it would be this:

1/2 tbsp. Indian Healing Clay, 1tsp. of turmeric, and add water until preferred consistency is reached. Leave on face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Apply moisturizer. Glow into your best life.

Dass it. Dass all.